Marts 7., 2005
 | 19:12 Obāc, Laimens Frenks Baums ir vai nu lietojis meskalīnu, vai arī sasniedzis stipri paplašinātu apziņas stāvokli citiem līdzekļiem (gribētu gan zināt, kādiem). Lasu Oza zemes grāmatu sēriju un konstatēju, ka ar katru tekstu tā kļūst arvien dīvainākāka un dīvainākāka, un manā pusslimajā stāvoklī jumts aizbrauc paaaavisam viegli.
// Kāds gadījumā nezina, vai Ozijs Osborns savu vārdu nav pieņēmis atbilstoši Oza zemei (t.i., cik es saprotu, tiek lietots apzīmējums "ozzy" ar nozīmi "ozīgs")? (tas vārds taču ir pieņemts, nevarētu tak būt, ka kāda amerikāņu māte pie pilnas sajēgas gribētu saukt savu bērnu par "Ozzy", lai pirmais, kas iešautos prātā, domājot par viņu, būtu Džeks Ķirbjagalva un lidojošs aļņa, dīvāna, palmas zaru un slotas krustojums?)
Man akal tā princese ar maināmām galvām laikam ir topā. Līdz tai jau tiki? Skaidrs, ka Ozijs ir no turienes:)
nu, tā bija iemesls, kāpēc tapa šitais ieraksts.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | copy |
Date: | 7. Marts 2005 - 21:24 |
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tagad vairs neatceros, vai beerniibaa esmu redzeejusi filmu/multeni (vai vispaar kas taads ir uznjemts?) vai arii lasiijusi graamatu, vai abus. viss tik skaidri acu priekshaa.
multene toč ir, droši vien pat vairākas. bet var gadīties, ka tu esi lasījusi Volkova plaģiātu, bija tāda grāmatiņa + multene "smaragda pilsētas burvis", kas ir burvīgā padomju autora ... erm... pārrakstīts teksts ;P tāpat kā "buratīno" ir rupjš "pinokio" plaģiāts.
(lai arī var gadīties, ka es kļūdos attiecībā uz plaģiāta apmēriem. neesmu lasījusi volkova "smaragda pilsētas burvi", tikai vienu no tālākajām grāmatām, kas bija riktīgi baisa (par ļauno Arahnu vai kā nu to burvi sauca).
runājot par Volkova plaģiātu:
Here is the complete list of the Famous Forty Oz books (often shortened to the FF) -- the ones that most Oz fans agree are true Oz -- along with their authors and dates of publication.
1. The Wizard of Oz (originally published as The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (L. Frank Baum, 1900) 2. The Land of Oz (originally published as The Marvelous Land of Oz) (L. Frank Baum, 1904) 3. Ozma of Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1907) 4. Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1908) 5. The Road to Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1909) 6. The Emerald City of Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1910) 7. The Patchwork Girl of Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1913) 8. Tik-Tok of Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1914) 9. The Scarecrow of Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1915) 10. Rinkitink in Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1916) 11. The Lost Princess of Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1917) 12. The Tin Woodman of Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1918) 13. The Magic of Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1919) 14. Glinda of Oz (L. Frank Baum, 1920) 15. The Royal Book of Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson [but originally attributed to L. Frank Baum], 1921) 16. Kabumpo in Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1922) 17. The Cowardly Lion of Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1923) 18. Grampa in Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1924) 19. The Lost King of Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1925) 20. The Hungry Tiger of Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1926) 21. The Gnome King of Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1927) 22. The Giant Horse of Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1928) 23. Jack Pumpkinhead of Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1929) 24. The Yellow Knight of Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1930) 25. Pirates in Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1931) 26. The Purple Prince of Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1932) 27. Ojo in Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1933) 28. Speedy in Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1934) 29. The Wishing Horse of Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1935) 30. Captain Salt in Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1936) 31. Handy Mandy in Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1937) 32. The Silver Princess in Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1938) 33. Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz (Ruth Plumly Thompson, 1939) 34. The Wonder City of Oz (John R. Neill, 1940) 35. The Scalawagons of Oz (John R. Neill, 1941) 36. Lucky Bucky in Oz (John R. Neill, 1942) 37. The Magical Mimics in Oz (Jack Snow, 1946) 38. The Shaggy Man of Oz (Jack Snow, 1949) 39. The Hidden Valley of Oz (Rachel R. Cosgrove, 1951) 40. Merry Go Round in Oz (Eloise Jarvis McGraw and Lauren McGraw Wagner, 1963)
viņa pirmais soloalbums saucās Blizzard of Ozz
bet par to, ko viņš lietojis, vari trīsreiz minēt, skatoties uz pirmās grāmatas pirmo vāku: 
lai gan, ir arī oficiālais viedoklis: "What's with all the drug references in Oz?
You're kidding, right? The Oz books are not riddled with drug references. I suspect many of the critics who claim this have not actually read the books. It's true, heroin and opium are made from poppies, which is why Dorothy, Toto, and the Cowardly Lion fall asleep in the poppy field, but this is hardly a secret. These drugs and their origins were well known at the turn of the century when Baum wrote the book. They were also less stigmatized at the time as well, although they certainly weren't met with universal approval, either. Baum himself was not a drug user, and his strongest vice was the ocassional cigar. In the book, the travelers are rescued from the poppies by the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, who carry Dorothy and Toto out, and a band of field mice who haul out the Cowardly Lion. The snowstorm ("snow" is a slang term for cocaine, hence others seeing this as another drug reference) that kills the poppies originates in the 1902 stage play, and was reused for The Movie."
uj, tu esi dikti parūpējies par manis izglītošanu, paldies :)
From: | (Anonymous) |
Date: | 10. Marts 2005 - 13:41 |
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Nu nez. Man Volkova varianti daudz labaak tiik par shito murgu. Multene gan diezko nepatika, bet "Smaragda pilseetas burvis", "Urfins Dzhiiis" , "Septinji pazemes karalji", "Dzeltenaa migla" likaas pat ljoti pievilciiga lasaamviela. |