Septembris 30., 2003
 | 02:29 - šī iemesla pēc es mīlu literatūranalīzi: Give me crack and anal sex Take the only tree that's left and stuff it up the hole in your culture
Clearly the image of the last tree being stuffed up the hole in culture brings powerfully to mind the idea of forced sex. The image of a hole is also that of a void or a lack. If there is a hole in culture, something is missing from it. Culture has a need or desire that must be met by nature, symbolized by the tree. The speaker demands that nature "fuck" culture even after the former has been nearly destroyed by the latter. Although rape is usually an extremely negative image that implies the violent exploitation of one human being by another, it also suggests unity. Sexual union, even a forced one, is a fusion in which two become one. The culture/nature rape image in this stanza implies that culture should become a part of nature and vice versa. The union of the two categories suggests that they become indistinguishable from each other. As we shall see in my analysis of the refrain, this notion of unity constitutes the speaker's apocalyptic vision.
un nesakiet, ka tas nav mīlīgi, fantastiski, izdomas pilni, vārdu sakot, dzeja pati par sevi :) ps un nesakiet, ka nezināt, kas ir šo rindu autors :)
Nau ne mazākās nojēgas kas ir to vārdu autors ...
Leonards Koens. Tas, kam tās saldsērīgās dziesmiņas tip "Dance me to the end of love". :) |
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