Jūnijs 1., 2015
 | 21:26 And now for something completely different, viens no manas pusaudzības mīļākajiem stāstiem, Trickster's Penis (§7 of the Trickster Cycle).
After awhile, when he woke up, he awoke when he was lying flat on his back. When he looked up, unexpectedly, something was floating there. He said, "Hohó, this thing that they have hoisted up is the chief's banner. (154) The people must be having a big feast, as they have hoisted the chief's flag," he said. Thus saying, as he was about to sit up, unexpectedly, his blanket was missing. (155) Unexpectedly, it was his own blanket. There it was. When his penis erected, that blanket he had sprung up, and thus it was doing. (156) He said, "My younger brother, you will lose the little blanket. Fetch it back for me," he said, and he took hold of his penis. As he did this, it became soft and fell. He put his penis in a box there. (157) He kept on coiling it up, putting it into the box. Finally, he reached the end. There he found his blanket.
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